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Website confidentiality charter


1.1     Choco Story Brussels having its head office at Rue de l'étuve 41; 1000 Brussels - Belgium, registered at the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises (CBE) under the number 0552 921 873  hereafter Choco Story Brussels operating the following website : (hereafter the "Website").

1.2     All personal data collected by us (hereafter "Data") shall be processed in accordance with the applicable Belgian and European regulations relative to the protection of personal data, in particular UE Regulation 2016/679 issued by the European Parliament and Council on April 27th, 2016 relating to the protection of individuals with regards to personal data processing and the free circulation of this data, revoking directive 95/46/CE (General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR), Directive 2002/58/CE, amended by Directive 2009/136/CE, and the "Electronic Communications Law" of June 13th, 2005, amended by the law of July 10th, 2012.

1.3     You are invited to read this Confidentiality Charter (hereafter the "Charter" attentively and familiarize yourself with its contents.


2.1     This Charter describes the measures implemented for the use and management of your Data in the framework of Website use, and your rights as a Website user.

2.2     This Charter applies to all services offered by Choco Story Brussels via the Website.


3.1     We may be led to collect various types of information (including Data) when you visit our Website:

3.1.1  Data supplied by users. We collect Data supplied by you on the Website to enable Choco Story Brussels  and its Partners to treat and execute your data to organise your visit of the museum.

3.1.2  Information collected by technology tools. When you browse our Website, our computer systems may collect various passive data such as your IP (Internet Protocol) address or browser type. We also use Cookies to collect information on the date and time of your visit, or the Website pages you have visited.

3.2     By visiting our Website or supplying your Data, you hereby agree to the collection and processing of your Data as described in this Charter. If you do not agree or cannot authorize the collection or processing of your Data as described in this Charter, do not use the Website.

3.3     You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time by contacting Choco Story Brussels at the following address: rue de l'étuve 41 ; 1000 Brussels - Belgium or following email address:


4.1     The Data we collect is used to process the performance and follow-up of your orders and the associated services. It is also used to improve the services we provide you, by informing us of your preferences relating to the features, performance and support of our services.

4.2     We may use collected Data ourselves, or via various media, for promotional, commercial or information purposes. In this framework, we may offer you free newsletters to allow you to gain more from the Website and keep up to date with our news and special offers. Unless you object to this, if you have used the services of Choco Story Brussels, we may email you information relating to Website use and our special offers.

4.3     We may also use Data to conduct studies intended to improve our services.

4.4     We may, if necessary, divulge your Data in order to (a) respect the applicable laws or satisfy a Court order or injunction, or (b) protect and defend our rights and those of Website users.

4.5     We may supply your Data to our email direct marketing Partner companies if you choose to receive information on our promotions. Notwithstanding, we will take all reasonable measures to ensure the aforementioned companies respect this Charter. Our policy is to prohibit companies from using your Data for any purpose other than the provision of products and/or services expressly requested by Choco Story Brussels.

4.6     We may also supply your Data to our partner accounting “Quartus” in order to ensure proper performance of the service(s) offered on our Website.

4.7     Data may be rendered anonymous by removing personally-identifiable elements such as your name and email address, and grouped for use in the framework of market studies or for other professional purposes. We may in this case be led to divulge the anonymous data to third parties.

4.8     With the exception of the cases described in this article, we do not authorize the sale or transfer of Data to third parties without your prior approval.


5.1     You have the right to oppose processing of your Data and its use for prospection purposes, in particular commercial. This right can be exercised by sending a letter to the head office of Choco Story Brussels at Rue de l'étuve 41 ; 1000 Brussels - Belgium OR by email to the following address:

5.2     To unsubscribe from our newsletters, you can exercise your right of opposition by clicking on the Unsubscribe link at the bottom of our newsletters. Your request will only be taken into account if you receive a corresponding confirmation message. Failing this, you may exercise your right of opposition as described in article 6.1 of this Charter.


6.1     You are authorized to access, rectify, delete and limit the processing of Data relating to you, in accordance with articles 15, 16, 17 and 18 of the GDPR.

6.2.    This right can be exercised by sending a letter to the head office of Choco Story Brussels: Rue de l'étuve 41 ; 1000 Brussels - Belgium OR by email to the following address:

6.3     Before responding to a demand of this type, we may request you to identify yourself.


7.1.    You also have the right to receive Data relating to you and supplied by you to Choco Story Brussels in a structured, commonly-used and computer-readable format, as well as the right to transfer it to another person in charge of processing, if the Data is processed using automated procedures.


8.1     Cookies consist of data sent to your terminal from your browser when you visit the Website. They have a unique identification number. Cookies are intended to simplify Website access and browsing, and increase speed and efficiency. They can also be used to tailor the Website to your individual preferences. Cookies may also be used to analyse Website use.

8.2. Choco-Story Brussels hereby informs you that the following types of Cookie are used on the Website:

  • Analytics cookies (Google Analytics, Facebook).
  •  which allow items placed in your basket to be saved.

Session cookies, used to facilitate your Website use by memorizing various data relating to you .

Advertising cookies are intended to provide us with information on the products, services and pages you consult and personalize adverts that may be displayed on the Website using so-called "retargeting" techniques based on your previous searches and selection criteria (internal retargeting to display the home page, abandoned shopping carts or wishlists, and external retargeting to Choco-Story Brussels (Facebook, Google targeting, Big data, Google My business, etc)).

In accordance with the law of June 13th, 2005 relative to electronic communications, cookies do not collect any information allowing the personal identification of website users; as they are solely used for their technical functions, they do not require the user's express consent.

8.3.    In accordance with the law of June 13th, 2005 relative to electronic communications, your agreement is not required for the installation of cookies intended solely to allow or facilitate communication by electronic means, or which are strictly necessary to supply the online service expressly requested by you (session cookies).

8.4.    Regarding advertising cookies, your agreement or disagreement is indicated to us by your web browser settings or settings of other technical means used by the Website to allow us to manage your Website browsing experience.

8.5.    You may refuse the installation of technical cookies by following the procedures described below according to your browser.

  • If you are browsing with Internet Explorer, follow the procedure shown here
  • If you are browsing with Mozilla Firefox, follow the procedure shown here
  • If you are browsing with Google Chrome, follow the procedure shown here
  • If you are browsing with Safari, follow the procedure shown here

8.6.    Choco-Story Brussels hereby informs you that cookie deactivation may interfere with your browsing experience and Website functions.

8.7.    You may delete accepted cookies at any time. If you wish to delete cookies, the settings and preferences controlled by the cookies will also be deleted.


Choco Story Brussels may conserve your Data for a period of 5 years after cancellation of your registration, for the purpose of offering you new products and/or services.


Without prejudice to any existing administrative and legal procedures, you have the right to enter a complaint with a supervisory authority, in particular in the Member State of your usual place of stay, place of work, or of the alleged violation, if you consider your Data processing is an infringement of the GDPR.

Commission de la protection vie privée • Rue de la Presse 35, 1000 Brussels

Tel: +32(0)2 274 48 00 • Fax: +32(0)2 274 48 35
